Author: William G. Nolan

My Recent Time Away From the Office

My Recent Time Away From the Office

Do your loved ones a favor- go ahead and finalize your Will, Power of Attorney and all the healthcare documents now, while you have your mental and physical capacity. You can always change them as circumstances change but at least you have them in place if you are unfortunate and have a crisis occur. No one will fault you for having your plans in place but I can guarantee you that if you don’t, people will wonder why you waited too long.

Elder Law: Estate Planning Vestavia AL

The Importance of Estate Planning

Estate planning is a legal measure that ensures your assets end up where you want them. It divides any property, money, or other assets in ways that ensure the heirs you wish to get your assets are given what you want them to have. With an estate plan, there is no risk of the brother…
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Senior Asset Protection: Elder Law Homewood AL

Elder Law Tips for Asset Protection

March is Asset Management Awareness Month, founded by the National Property Management Association. While the organization is focused on property management, asset management is important whether you have investment properties or not. Elder law can help. Your dad still lives in the family home. He might have a summer home near a lake or a cabin…
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Power of Attorney: Elder Law Mountain Brook AL

5 Stories You’ve Heard About Power of Attorney That Aren’t True

No matter what stage of life your senior loved one is in, they can get a Power of Attorney. Here are a few stories you may have heard that aren’t true.

Elder Law Birmingham, Al: American Heart Month

American Heart Month: Make Sure Your Dad’s Affairs Are In Order

American Heart Month takes place each February to raise awareness of the severity of heart disease in the U.S.

Elder Law Birmingham, AL: Areas of Elder Law

Seven Areas of Elder Law That You Need to Talk About

Your mom is getting older, and you wonder if she’s taken every possible step to protect herself and her estate.

Elder Law Hoover, AL: VA Benefits and Seniors

Explore the VA Benefits Available for Your Mom

Whether your mom served or her spouse did, she may qualify for VA benefits that help with things like health care services and long-term care.

Elder Law Homewood, AL: Estate Planning

The Key Components of Estate Planning

Have you ever considered estate planning measures? No matter how much wealth you have, there are several areas that you need to consider as you get older.

Elder Law Vestavia, AL: Updating Wills

Should People Update Their Wills After a Health Emergency?

Health emergencies can create situations that make it important to update a will.

Asset protection Mountain Brook, AL: Protecting Assets

Does Your Dad Need to Protect His Assets?

Asset protection is important regardless of your dad’s lack of wealth as it involves protecting your wealth from seizure.