It’s often hard to judge your parents’ health from afar. When you only visit once or twice a year, it’s important to take that time to decide what your parents do and don’t need. Take time this year to talk to your parents about their goals.
Why should you discuss a senior care plan? Your parents are getting older, and their health may change. If your parents haven’t taken legal steps to protect their wishes, they risk disappointment and even legal hurdles in different situations.
Have They Discussed Their Plans?
Do they want to age at home, or would they be okay moving to an assisted living community? When household chores and daily routines like meal preparation become too hard to manage, they may want to move to a senior living neighborhood where staff members are available to help.
Whether they stay at home or move into assisted living, it’s expensive. Often, health insurance doesn’t pay for any of it. They need to sit down with an elder law attorney to see if they qualify for programs like Medicaid that can help with the high cost.
How Safe Is Their Home?
If they want to age in place, you need to make sure the home is safe enough. They may need to have someone install grab bars in the bathroom, a wheelchair ramp, or non-slip flooring. If they have bedrooms upstairs without a toilet and struggle with stairs, their home may not be as safe as moving to a one-level home.
Once they move, they need to address any changes to current wills, especially when it comes to their new home. That’s something they need to discuss with an estate law attorney.
Do They Have Protective Measures in Place?
No one likes to consider the worst-case scenario, but it can save your family from disappointment and stress. If your parents are in a car accident and can’t speak for themselves, there’s the chance that the hospital’s doctors and officials will determine what happens when it comes to a treatment plan.
If your parents have drawn up advance directives and have named someone to be their medical power of attorney agent, their wishes are protected. Their agent will consult with the doctors and determine the treatment plans to follow using your parents’ directives.
How do they get the legal protections in place? Talk to an elder law attorney. The attorney can go over these and other protective measures that ensure your parents’ wishes are met. Call an elder law specialist to arrange a free consultation.
If you or a loved need assistance with Elder Law in Trussville, AL contact Nolan Elder Law & Estate Planning today. (205) 390-0101